Tomas Perez
Workforce Education & Training
Tomas Perez has more than 30 years’ experience in the field of energy efficiency with a focus on residential energy efficiency. He has been instrumental in the development of many of the standards utilized in energy efficiency programs for California public utilities and the State of California.
Tomas has trained thousands of individuals working in efficiency programs in the State of California. Training includes outreach personnel, crews, combustion safety, and inspectors. In addition to the varies training sessions, his involvement in the programs has been in all areas of field activities. He has been recognized for his work in combustion appliance safety.
Additionally, Tomas has trained hundreds of individuals to work in Lead Based Paint Abatement. The training has been for crew, supervisors, and inspectors/assessors as well as Renovator Repair & Painting training.
Away from the office Tomas enjoys spending time with his grown children when they come to visit. He enjoys his solitude listening to music and watching old movies.